My Faves for Valentine’s Day

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It’s the month of LOVE, and we’re focusing on the person you should be loving most – YOU! 

Does that seem selfish?! Nope. If you don’t love yourself, you are not valuing yourself, and then you aren’t taking care of yourself like you need to be. And then that affects everyone else who you need to take care of and show love to – like your family, parents/grandparents, siblings, friends, patients, coworkers or students. 

What are some signs that you are lacking in the self-love department??

💔 Socially withdrawn

💔 Constantly stressed

💔 Over critical of yourself and even others

💔 Overwhelming self doubt & worry

💔 Feeling unloved or unlovable by others, or not good enough

💔 Over analyzing every situation 

Any of those sound familiar?! Time to start showing yourself some love! 💕 And I have a great place for you to start, with some of my fave pampering products!

Tie Dye Workout Outfit

Anyone else feel on top of the world when they buy new clothes?! Same feeling when I buy a new workout outfit—I feel like I can conquer anything my fitness program throws at me! 👊 My current craze is TIE DYE and in my accountability groups, we wear it every Friday just for fun! (Think high school spirit day 🥳). This $29 set is affordable, comfy, & brought to you by Amazon Prime! 

Amazon tie dye workout outfit

Lip Kit

Can we talk about Kylie Jenners lip kits?! I may be late to the game but finally decided to give her kits a-go and now I’m HOOKED! Simply line your lips with the creamy pencil then fill in with the matching matte gloss for all-day wear. I’m not even kidding, guys—This color stays on even through my sweaty workouts! Favorite color= “One Wish”and you can check it out here.

Kylie Jenner lip kit

Essential Oils

Ever use essential oils?! They are a HUGE part of our lives and help to keep chemicals & toxins out of our home! Vanilla and lavender are my absolute favorite 💕 Mix them together, roll onto wrists and behind ears for an all-natural perfume alternative! Cool Azul is also an amazzinggg blend I use on my sore muscles after a tough workout! 

Young Living Cool Azul

Whipped Body Butter

Another one of my favorite products to pamper myself with is my Biggs & Featherbelle whipped body butter. It even sounds heavenly doesn’t it? This company is Maryland based and all of their soaps & body care products are handmade with natural ingredients & fragrances. Their moisturizing shea whipped butters are seriously the BEST on the market. I love to lather them on after a long hot shower! 

Biggs & Featherbelle whipped body butter

Daily Journal

A HUGE part of self love is taking the time to do some personal growth—A healthy mindset is KEY to happiness!!! My favorite form of personal development is manifestation & goal setting. The Rachel Hollis “Start Today” journal is like a vision board in diary form! It teaches gratitude, forces you to GET REAL with your dreams, & maps out an intentional plan to reach your goals! 

Start today journal

I hope you love these too! Let me know if you give any of them a try. And please share your faves with me!

I just want to leave you with one last thing…my favorite self love affirmations. If you can’t tell, self love is SO important to me. So much so that my team is named Self Love Legacy! I hope you take time to show yourself some love this Valentine’s day, and every day!!


Hi, I'm Brinlee! (insert brief about section)

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