Summer Travel Tips

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I have been getting a number of requests for some TRAVEL TIPS since it is that time of year where people are taking vacations or going on business trips for work-related functions. I have shared this info in my online bootcamps and everyone loved it so I figured it’s time to share with YOU! So here it is…my 7 Tips for Maintaining your ACTIVE LIFESTYLE while TRAVELING! Hope you enjoy and if you have tried something while away that works and you would like to share…PLEASE comment and share so we can all benefit from it as well!

Keep One Thing The Same! 

While traveling…maintain AT LEAST ONE healthy habit, no matter what! Vacations are notorious for undoing months of virtuous diet and exercise. And while you may be on vacation and wanting a break, consider keeping just one healthy habit while you’re away, to keep your momentum going. For example, go to bed at your normal time or wake up at your normal time. Use your Beachbody On Demand to stream your workouts nearly anywhere you go so you can stay on track with your program. (you can try it free for 14 days, perfect for giving it try on vacay!) If you’ve never tried it before or are looking for some free sample workouts to try out and take with you, then grab my free workout list below! It’s a list of 10+ workouts you can completely free, no trial even needed, and gives you a sample of the amazing collection of workouts and trainers that we have available in on our on demand library!

Or, if you’re use to a specific healthy breakfast every morning, keep eating it every day. Make a promise to keep one good thing going, and then follow through on that commitment. This will create a powerful sense of control ️and continuity that will make it easier to get back on the health and fitness wagon when you return home.

Have a “Happy” Day! 

Early in your trip, pick one day to indulge. Eat like a starving hound. Drink like a lush. Stay up too late. You’ve been looking forward to a vacation for months, so enjoy it. But when you wake up the next morning…I want you to take notice to how you feel. DON’T gulp down your usual hangover remedies and don’t have a big guilt trip. Simply NOTICE what is going on with your body and embrace it. Let yourself feel it. Your head is pounding, right? Your stomach feels sick. You have no energy. Everything feels awful and you want to go back to bed. Be honest and ask yourself if you want feel like this every morning of your trip.

Later in the day, when you’re thinking of having a fourth mai tai or a second dessert, bring your mind back to what it was like when you woke up. No judgment, no worries. Just remember how you physically felt. Then make a conscious decision about whether or not you want to feel that way again tomorrow morning. If you do this on day one or two, maybe the lesson will sink in. MAYBE…


The American lifestyle is SO fast-paced, frenetic, & stressful that it can be hard to downshift into relaxation mode on vacation or trip away. That “GO-GO-GO!’ attitude can cause you to miss what’s right in front of you… Are you back for a third helping at the all-you-can-eat buffet on the pool deck, and can’t recall what was on your first or second plate? Relax, slow down, & enjoy whatever you’re eating (whether it’s “healthy” or not). Relish it. If you FOCUS on and SAVOR your food…you won’t eat as much! It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to realize its “full”. Go slow so that you can enjoy every single, delicious bite. 

Drink Your Shakeology!

So when I mentioned earlier about keeping one thing the same…my thing that is always a non-negotiable is my daily shake. I want to feel my best when traveling, so it’s a no-brainer. (we have low-cost samplers for that too!)

If you are traveling by car…pack your blender or Ninja Bullet and don’t forget to pick up some almond milk and bananas at the grocery store on the way! If you aren’t able to access a blender, shake it up with COLD ️liquid and ice—keeping everything cold is KEY to a tasty shake! We even have “on-the-go” individually packaged servings to make traveling with your superfoods more convenient! ️

***USE A STARBUCKS – This is my go to option if I don’t have the blender and there is a Starbucks nearby. I take my shaker cup and packet, buy OJ and a banana (they usually have them in the front) and then ask them to blend the OJ and banana with some ice. I then take that magical concoction and pour it into my Shakeology shaker cup. TIP: DO NOT put the powder in first!! Pour some of the smoothie in, about halfway, add the powder, put the lid on and shake it up. Then add the rest of the smoothie and shake it again. Voila! (If you add the powder first it will become sludge in the bottom of the cup, and VERY difficult to mix effectively) 

Get Smart About Packing Your Equipment! 

Using a resistance band is a great ALTERNATIVE to weights. If you are doing one of our most popular programs, 21 Day Fix, there is ALWAYS a person in the cast using a residence band that you can choose to follow! If you want to stick with dumbbells… try a fillable set of weights! These dumbbells from Amazon can be filled with water and range from 2-16 lbs. Going to the beach???  Try these fillable SANDBAGS instead! 

There are also a ton of options you can do without any equipment. Check out this handy list to plan out some workouts you can do while away, without worrying about any equipment! And remember, lots of lodging options have gyms available with dumbbells and other equipment too. #noexcuses

no equipment workout list

Factor In Recovery! 

Traveling can be exciting and adventurous, but it can also cause back/neck pain, stiff joints and muscles—especially if you add in working out! Sitting through long flights, sleeping on a different mattress, or even sitting too much at an all-day conference can cause your muscles to tense up. Pack an on-the-go massager to relieve sore muscles and alleviate pain while on vacation.

Need suggestions? Try the Wahl Deep Tissue Percussion Massager to penetrate hard-to-reach spots! If you can swing it and have packing space in the car…bring a foam roller! Trust me on this one—these little foam babies are incredible!! The program “80 Day Obsession” even has special ‘foam roller workouts’ that you can follow along with! 

Remember The 2-Day Rule! 

I have followed the 2-Day rule for YEARS and it has served me well. Try to never go more than 2 DAYS IN A ROW without working out. This rule keeps you accountable when you’re on-the-go, so you don’t let your workout plan lag and find it harder to get back into the swing of things after a lapse. 

I hope these tips are super helpful for you while traveling this summer! Remember to give yourself grace and enjoy yourself. Because if you are incorporating even some of these tips, then you don’t have to worry about getting back on track and essentially starting over when you get home! Happy vacay-ing!

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